You've already begun your journey into development, so congrats! You’re already one step ahead of becoming a skilled developer.
If you are a beginner, I hope this list saves you some time and anxiety in the near future.
1) Watching too many tutorials
If you just watch tutorials, you will never become a real developer. Tutorials help us to give a start in our development.
Putting on headphones and watching videos is easy rather than writing your own code. You don’t have to put any effort into watching tutorials.
Tutorials are good to get introduced to something but they are limited when it comes to practical implementation. If you can learn by watching it, then go off on your own and build something with the skills you just learned.
The easiest way to practice is to find some practice application ideas and then go ahead and start writing code to make those application ideas into reality.
2) Not asking enough questions
No matter how experienced you are, everyone eventually has to ask
someone else has a question at work.
You always want to find the solution to a problem by yourself. Yes, it is good if you find the solution in the meantime but if it takes time then you should not feel afraid to ask questions to other developers or friends.
Asking questions about the technology to a senior developer helps you a lot in learning the technology. Experienced developer gives you resources that help you in development.
If you don’t ask then you waste a lot of your time searching for things.
3) Not building side projects
When you work on your side project, you implement something from scratch and every iteration of this implementation will make you learn something
The more side projects you complete, the more evidence you provide that your skills are solid.
A great way to sharpen the mind and improve your improvisational coding skills is to practice with self-imposed constraints. Projects help you to clean the dusty corners of your knowledge.
If you build projects on your own then it gives you confidence.
4) Not focusing on the basics
You can compare this with a house, without the foundation you’ll never be able to build a decent house. The foundation is a crucial part of how fast you’ll make progress as a developer.
We ignore basic concepts as we are not using them in our project works. The better you understand the basic concepts, the easier it will be to learn more advanced concepts.
Whenever you’re struggling to understand one of the concepts try to find a different source that explains the concept in a different way.
Learning these facts will take you several steps closer to being an expert specialist in your technology of choice.
5) Trying to memorize everything
We live in an era where you can look up nearly any piece of information right from your computer or smartphone.
The most important concepts will stick in your mind because you use them over and over.
The more confusing concepts will remain forever stored on the internet, do a quick google search anytime you need them.
There’s never going to be a point at which you can say “I have learned and mastered everything” in a programming language but there will be a point at which you will feel comfortable with.
6) Trying to learn everything
Realistically as a beginner developer, you can only learn one programming language at a time. It is a difficult process and in the beginning, you should focus on a single language.
Learning one language makes it easier to become an expert.
But as a beginner, you should only focus on a few things and master those skills. Learning multiple things at the same time results in anxiety.
The problem with trying two languages at once is that it is incredibly easy to become confused between the syntax. The more you develop your career, the more you will be able to do other things.
7) Not believe in yourself
Developers who continuously compare themselves with others suffer the most from it.
Learn at your pace. In the beginning, things take time to learn. Don’t compare yourself with a more experienced developer.
Have an open mind to learn from your mistakes. The more you learn, the more confident you will become.
Always appreciate your hard work in the making of the project.
Thanks for reading!
Happy Coding ^_^ !